General | Forgot Password For My TrackMan Account

If you have forgotten or lost the password for your TrackMan Account, no need to worry. Simply follow the steps below in this guide and you'll be right back on track.

  1. Click on the Sign-In button in the bottom left corner of TPS
  2. Password_1.png
  3. Click on the Forgot Password text
  4. Then enter the email address for your MyTrackMan Account
  5. Password_2.png
  6. Once entered, then click on the Get New Password button
  7. You will then shortly receive an email with a temporary password for your TrackMan Account
  8. Password_3.png
  9. You can then sign-in again with the button in the bottom left corner of TPS and enter your email address as well as the temporary password provided
  10. Once you have done this you will then be asked to create and confirm a new password
  11. After you enter the new password you will then be all set

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