Tournament Only Available As A Guest

If a player joins a tournament and only sees it as a guest, their could be a few reasons:

  • The player did not sign into their profile and entered as a guest. Note, they can play this round but it will not show up in the leaderboard
  • If a tournament is set up with requirements/groups based off of handicaps, the players handicap must fall between the range to be able to participate
  • If a tournament is using a Trackman Handicap, the player must establish a handicap. Steps to have a TM handicap found here: TrackMan Handicap In Virtual Golf
  • If the tournament had a set number of attempts, they will be added as a guest should they have played in the set attempts. To note, an attempt counts as any round started in the tournament, regardless of whether it was finished or not
  • If it is a private tournament, the invite will need to have been accepted to participate as a full user

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