Trackman Handicap is a measure of your playing ability in Virtual Golf. The Trackman Handicap is inspired by the new worldwide rules (WHS) where players are adjusted up/down based on a subset of their latest rounds. If you are logged-in with a Trackman account you will receive a Trackman Handicap after your first round of Virtual Golf. After that your Trackman Handicap is automatically updated after each round of Virtual Golf.
How do I get my Trackman Handicap?
If you are logged into your Trackman account, and play a round with any putting system using a gimme distance of 12ft (3.7m) or less, you will receive a Trackman Handicap after your first round of Virtual Golf. NOTE: If you use mulligans the score will not count towards your TM handicap. If any of these conditions have not been fulfilled, the score will not count towards your Trackman Handicap. Scores from private and tournament rounds which fulfill these requirements are included in the calculation of your Trackman Handicap.
Where can I find my new Trackman Handicap?
You can find your handicap history in the Trackman Golf app.
I sometimes use another handicap indoor. Can I override the Trackman Handicap with another number?
No, it is not possible to override the Trackman Handicap. The only way to affect the Handicap is by playing more rounds and follow the adjustments. In a tournament, the host has the option to select between using a manual-input handicap or the Trackman handicap.
What are the differences between the WHS and Trackman Handicap?
The primary difference between the Trackman Handicap and the World Handicap System is the downward adjustment of handicap for exceptional scores. With the Trackman Handicap we adjust the handicap significantly more downward if you post an exceptional score to ensure that the Trackman Handicap reflects playing potential.
If I choose “manual handicap” do players get assigned a handicap based on their first round?
No, manual handicaps require players to enter their handicap for each round.
Can I edit a player’s scorecard?
Yes, when logged into, you can click ”scorecards” on the left menu, find the player’s scorecard, and make changes as necessary.
If a player leaves a round before finishing, will their scores count?
No, a player must complete the entire round to have their score count and display on the leaderboard.
What is the ”Make it available in all Trackman bays in the world for players who have joined the tournament.” setting?
This allows players participating in the tournament to play their rounds in any Trackman simulator bay in the world. It does not mean your tournament will be displayed automatically in every simulator bay worldwide.
Why isn’t the player’s score showing on the leaderboard?
It’s possible that the player wasn’t logged in with the correct account (email/password or QR code), they didn’t complete their round, or they were not participating in the tournament (we see some players go directly to course play they need to go to the tournament tab within TPS to compete in the tournament).
If the tournament requires players to play their own ball (Best Ball, Fourball, Fourball Aggregate etc. ) the TMI platform can still be used to ensure everyone plays their own ball however, scoring will not be tracked for the specific format. League managers can use the individual scores from each player to calculate the team score externally.
By using, all players will play the same course with the same settings ( green stimp pin position, tee box, no mulligans etc. ). This ensures players do not set up their rounds incorrectly in regular course play.
What if a male player and a female player play from the same tees with the same handicap, will they play with the same number of strokes allocated to their handicap?
A players handicap on a given course will be influenced by the course rating and an important factor here is the tee selection, therefore there can be instances where a male and female player with the same handicap will play from the same tee and have a different handicap for that specific round in the conditions set.