Customer Search In Booking & Payments

Going over to the customers tab will show you the full list of customers that have booked at your venue. This is why we recommend always adding a customer when creating a booking. It will help you populate a powerful customer database.

  1. Here you’ll see the list of customers. It will allow you to search by customer name/email/telephone. On this view you can see we have a customer selected.
  2. The selected customer appears in the sidebar and will give you some basic information about them.
  3. If necessary, you can remove a customer from your venue. This will unlink them, and they will no longer appear when you search for them. This will however not remove their account on the platform - they will still have access to see all of their previous bookings, and they can always re-attend your venue if they wish.
  4. Here you can see the customer’s balance. Think of this as like credit on your venue. If you tap this box, it will allow you to manually amend their balance.
  5. Here you can sell a topup or gift card to the selected customer. This is the proper way to amend someone’s balance, because it will create a purchase which can be reported on.


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