Customer Balances In Booking & Payments

A customer can have a balance with your venue. Balances are like credit - they essentially give the customer a monetary value that they can use at checkout, or that you as a staff member can use to create a payment.

As a venue, you decide what you’d like customers to be able to spend their credit on. A common setup is to allow customers to use credit for bookings, but not for products. The decision however is up to you.

If you ever need to manually amend someone’s balance, you can do so as shown on the right.

You will have to provide a reason, and this feature would normally be restricted to only certain types of user on your platform. For example, “Finance” users.

One of the main ways that customers can end up with a balance at your venue is through refunds. If you choose to refund a customer to “YGB Balance” as the charge type, then they will receive that amount on their balance.

This is a great alternative to returning their funds. You make it much more likely that the customer will return, and you aren’t charged twice for processing fees.


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