TM4 | How To Setup Manual AFS For A Facility 🎦

Step 1: Plan Out Frequencies

  1. Determine Frequencies:
    • Frequencies range from -5 to +5.
    • Plan the frequency for each bay, ensuring that adjacent bays have frequencies as far apart as possible.

Step 2: Access the Advanced Settings

  1. Open TPS (Trackman Performance Studio):
    • Launch the TPS software on your computer.
  2. Navigate to Settings:
    • Click the three lines at the bottom right of the screen.
    • Select Settings from the menu.
    • In the Settings menu, click on Advanced Settings at the top right corner.
  3. Access Device Web Interface:
    • Scroll down to the bottom left corner and select About.
    • Click Show Device Web Interface.

Step 3: Configure Manual AFS

  1. Log In to the Web Interface:
    • When prompted, select Login without entering any credentials (leave the field blank).
  2. Set Up Manual AFS:
    • In the web interface, navigate to Setup on the left-hand side.
    • Click on Advanced.
    • Under the AFS section, choose Manual.
    • Enter the planned frequencies for both options as per your frequency plan.
    • Click Apply to save your settings.

Step 4: Repeat for Other Bays

  1. Repeat the Process:
    • Follow the same steps to configure Manual AFS for each bay in your facility.
    • Ensure each bay's frequency aligns with your plan to avoid overlap and interference.

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