Portal (Facility) | Scorecards Tab For Facilities 🎦

Setup Steps

  1. Sign In to the Golf Portal:

    • Log in to the Golf Portal using your facility account credentials.
  2. Access Scorecards:

    • On the left-hand side of the screen, click on Scorecards.
  3. Review Scorecards:

    • View Sessions: Here, you will see a list of every session played in a registered bay. The details displayed include:
      • Player Name
      • Course Name
      • Tournament Name
      • Scoring
      • Time
      • Bay Number
      • Completion Status (whether the round was completed)
  4. Sort and Search:

    • Sort by Time Frame: Use the available options to sort scorecards by different time frames.
    • Search for Players: Enter a player's name in the search bar to find specific sessions.
  5. Edit Scorecards:

    • Access Edit Option: To edit a scorecard, click the three dots to the right of the session.
    • Modify Scores: Select the hole score you wish to change and update it as needed.
    • Note: Edited scorecards will not affect handicaps.
  6. Handle Tournament Sessions:

    • Remove from Tournament: If the session was part of a tournament and needs to be excluded (e.g., due to technical issues), click the three dots next to the session. This option will allow the session to be removed from the tournament count, enabling the player to make a new attempt.

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