TM4 | How To Reboot Your Trackman 4 Via The Web Interface

In order to reboot your Trackman 4 via the web interface on either PC or an iOS device, please see the guide below.

Method 1: Web Interface via Wi-Fi

  1. Connect the device (iOS or PC) to the TM Wi-Fi
  2. Open any internet browser
  3. Go to
  4. Click Login
  5. Go to Administration
  6. Select Reboot
  7. Radar will restart (You may see disconnection errors on the web interface page, this is normal)
  8. Wait for the green light next to the camera to turn solid green
  9. Connect the device back to the TM Wi-Fi
  10. Now the TM has been rebooted

Method 2: Web Interface via Ethernet

  1. Be sure radar is connected to PC via Ethernet
  2. Open File Explorer on the computer
  3. Click "Network" on the left-hand side of the File Explorer window
  4. If there is a yellow bar at the top that says Network Discovery is turned off, click on the bar, and turn on Network Discovery
  5. Once Network Discovery is turned on, you should see the radar followed by its serial number
  6. Right click the radar device
  7. Click "Properties"
  8. Here you should see a web link that you can click on, this will take you to the web interface.
  9. Click Login
  10. Go to Administration
  11. Select Reboot
  12. Radar will restart (You may see disconnection errors on the web interface page, this is normal)
  13. Wait for the green light next to the camera to turn solid green
  14. Connect the device back to the TM Wi-Fi
  15. Now the TM has been rebooted

Method 3: Web Interface via Trackman Performance Studio

  1. Open Trackman Performance Studio
  2. Connect your Trackman unit to Trackman Performance Studio as normal
  3. Click on Settings in the bottom right corner of TPS
  4. Then Click on Advanced in the top right corner of TPS
  5. From here click on the About tab on the left hand side of the screen
  6. Then click on Show Device Web Interface
  7. Click Login
  8. Go to Administration
  9. Select Reboot
  10. Radar will restart (You may see disconnection errors on the web interface page, this is normal)
  11. Wait for the green light next to the camera to turn solid green
  12. Connect the device back to TPS
  13. Now the TM has been rebooted

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